Why you Should go for Make Up?
By the mid-twentieth century, women were using make-up in almost all industrial societies, and the cosmetics industry had become a billion-dollar business. However, some people view the use of cosmetics as oppressive, and in 1968, feminist Miss America protestors threw feminine products into a 'Freedom Trash Can'. They described cosmetics as "instruments of female torture" and accoutrements. Cosmetics are made of an endless range of materials, including minerals, pigments and plant extracts. Mineral-based ingredients include iron oxide, mica flakes, chromium oxide, and manganese. Other natural ingredients include beet powder and the cochineal insect. In lipsticks, these ingredients are used to add a natural red color. However, many makeup products also contain fragrances and unpleasant odors. This is why consumers should be wary of those that contain a strong fragrance. If you are looking for a quality make up training school, look no further than MakeUp First...